What are Appendages?
The exact Appendage meaning is not always the same for everyone. Usually it is a component that can make a machine or piping system complete.
In general, valves and appendages are therefore components in a pipe that influence the flow of gas or liquid flows. That is why it is also referred to as pipe fittings.
Apendages and valves have the following main functions:
- Shutting off the liquid or gas flow in a pipe.
Some examples of closing appendages are: bellows valves, Ball valves, spring safety valves, slide valves , diaphragm valves, needle valves, solenoid valves, butterfly valves, pinch valves.
- Protecting the installation against, for example, overpressure.
Some examples of this are: Spring Safety Valves
- Appendages for controlling the parameters.
Some examples are: pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves, steam traps.
- In addition, there are appendages with which you can purify or view the medium (such as Filters and viewing glasses).
- Finally, we have the appendages that measure. In theory these are also appendages, but in Ebora they fall under instrumentation.
Assortment of accessories
The fitting product range in the field of 'Valves and fittings for shipbuilding and industry' includes:
Where are our appendages used?
The valves and fittings and system solutions supplied by our company are used in shipbuilding, machine and plant construction, but also for industrial applications in the (petro)chemical industry, energy supply, nuclear power plant, hydrotechnology, water treatment, steam generation, hospitals and breweries.
The quality of the appendages used largely determines the reliability and safety of the installation.
Appendage selection
The right choice for the fitting can make the difference between an installation that works and an installation that works well. A valve or appendage is often an obstruction in the pipeline and therefore has an influence on the energy consumption of the installation.
Ebora's techs can help create the most favorable solution for your appendage.
We would therefore like to ask you if in doubt contact with us take over the valves and appendages to be used. Our employees will then ask you a number of questions about the application before making a proposal for the appendages.