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GF 4150 turbidity meter
Product code: 1535


Turbidity sensor

There are different types of turbidity measurements and sensors.

The simple turbidity sensor that we have in our standard range is an optical sensor for direct installation in process lines. The sensor emits a beam of light and measures the backscatter caused by solids and other particles in the medium. The resulting scattering of the light is recorded as follows with a highly sensitive infrared receiver and processed by a powerful microprocessor. The output corresponding to the degree of scattering is provided in the range of 4...20 mA.

The principle described above allows the turbidity sensor to determine the exact change in turbidity. This is also the most important application for this turbidity measurement. The turbidity sensor can detect changes in the amount of solids in a product.

Typical applications for turbidity sensor:

  • Registration of product changes (e.g. milk-cream-pasture)
  • Continuous monitoring of e.g. milk fat content/quality control of the milk fat content
  • Monitoring the degree of contamination for CIP cleaning
  • Filter breakthrough monitoring
  • Detection of brewer's yeast and cloudy fruit juice....

For example, the fat content of products such as skimmed milk, skimmed milk or whole milk can be monitored to determine the quality of the product.

The most common calibrations of the turbidity sensor include data points for water, skimmed milk, low-fat and whole milk. The signal for the highest fat content is standardized at 20 mA.

Selecting the right turbidity sensor requires a lot of knowledge and experience. We would therefore like to ask you to contact us before purchasing a turbidity sensor. Ebora will then discuss with the factory which sensor is most suitable for your application.

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